Ageing Lips Need a Gentle Touch

As we age, typically in the late 40s, we begin to lose dental and structural support in the lower face and experience volume loss in the soft tissues in general and in the lips specifically. Ageing lips are a concern to many women.

Our lips thin with age and demonstrate less fullness and projection when viewed both in front and in profile This process is called soft tissue atrophy and commonly affects the lips and corner of the mouth. As these areas become less plump, they wrinkle more easily and the mouth develops a “mouth frown”, a very ageing sign. Another ageing sign are smoker’s lines or vertical lip wrinkles in the skin on the top lip resulting from the constant use of certain facial expressions such as pursing lips, chewing, sipping from a straw or bottle and even talking. These wrinkles can become evident form an early age especially if one has an overactive muscle around the mouth.

At Elan Medical Skin Clinic, our Nurse Consultant has over 20 years experience in creating natural looking improvements aroud the lips and mouth. ‘ Treatments should always look natural and not over-done”.

“We often combine a combination of treatments to the lip and mouth area, in order to achieve a natural looking lips” says Sue Ibrahim, “and ageing lips require a very gentle touch”.

At Elan Medical Skin Clinic we are dedicated to providing our patients with the highest standards of care.

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